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Most booked hotels in Masaka in the past month

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What guests said about Masaka:

  • 10
    Scored 10

    The expansive city is very nice, the city center, though...

    The expansive city is very nice, the city center, though crowded is none the less very hospitable, people are very kind and eager to help. the roads and lighting are still wanting, but they seem to be a work in progress
  • 10
    Scored 10

    Riding on the ‘boda boda’ motor bikes, long walks and...

    Riding on the ‘boda boda’ motor bikes, long walks and shopping were refreshing. the locals were very helpful especially when I got a bit lost far from the main road - I was shown how to get back. I went on a disco crawl with the staff which was fun and interesting. There’s two markets and many shops filled with stuff including ‘bark cloth’. I thoroughly enjoyed myself in Masaka.
    United Kingdom